House Automation: DYI Wi-fi Garage Door Opener with point out sensor (IoT)

#SocialDistancing with the Internet of Things! Creating a DIY wireless garage door opener with a sensor to indicate if the door is currently open or closed! Working with a Feather HUZZAH to manage a relay that acts the very same as the typical button in the garage. Additional an more reed swap with magnets hooked […]

IOT Gmailbox #adafruit #IoT #3DPrinting #IFTTT

Build a physical mailbox for your e-mails making use of Adafruit IO and IFTTT! This is a fun, simple, introductory challenge to the World-wide-web-of-Items by building items go employing Adafruit IO with IFTTT. Master Manual: Adafruit IO Adafruit Feather Huzzah ESP8266 Submicro Servo or service/2201 Pay a visit to the Adafruit […]