🔴 Construct Spotify Blockchain Web3 dApp with Upcoming.js, Solana, Phantom, QuickNode & Digital Ocean

In this tutorial, you might be gonna be setting up the Spotify Blockchain Net3 dApp applying Up coming.js, Solana, Phantom, QuickNode & Electronic Ocean 🚀 ⛓️ Create your account on QuickNode 👉 http://quicknode.com/cleverprogrammer 🦈 Develop your account on Electronic Ocean 👉 http://do.co/cleverprogrammer 🔗 GitHub Repo: https://github.com/CleverProgrammers/spotify-clone-blockchain 🪙 Sol Faucet, to deal with your transaction fees: […]

Python Artificial Intelligence Tutorial – AI Total Study course for Novices in 9 Hours [2021]

Do you want to come to be a 6-determine developer with Python? Look at out the most effective Python program on the world 👉 https://course.profitableprogrammer.co/pp-2019?utm_resource=youtube&utm_medium=yt-description&utm_material=python-ai-tutorial&utm_marketing campaign=pwp If you want to enroll in an EPIC Rookie Python class where you can have exercises and projects all less than a person account & for No cost… Click […]