Secure the Pod Bay Doors, HAL: Cybersecurity Challenges of IoT Automation

Stephen Hilt, Senior Danger Researcher, Pattern Micro

Numaan Huq, Senior Danger Researcher, Development Micro

Property automation units have become so complex that they are now introducing enterprise-amount threat into the smart home. Find out how two researchers evaluated these pitfalls by making two comprehensive residence automation programs and launching intelligent attacks towards them. They will show how they programmed and hacked into the atmosphere, then suggest remedies to address these emerging cyberthreats.Understanding Aims:1: Comprehend what elaborate IoT environments are and why they introduce company-degree danger to the household.2: Comprehend intelligent assaults, how to execute them and the risk things.3: Study how to protect smart households from good attacks making use of existing and future systems.Pre-Requisites:Programming experience utilizing scripting languages, e.g., Perl, Yaml. Comprehension of OSINT methods.

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