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身處係2020年既你,究竟有咩科技係必需要知道?相信Machine Discovering 一定係其中之一。作為近年最受討論既科技之一,Machine Understanding 係好多大公司都有被廣泛應用,例如Google, Fb, Microsoft等等。 咁Machine Learning究竟係咩黎?即刻去片啦🕵️ ================================== 00:00 Intro 00:22 The significance of AI 00:57 Application of AI 01:52 The AI roadmap 02:30 What is Machine Learning 03:20 Supervised Learning 03:54 Unsupervised learning 04:14 Deep dive into supervised learning 04:55 7 steps of Machine learning 05:36 Move : Issue assertion 05:55 Phase […]